
About Us

What do we do

Through our incredible research team employing high level methods of research, We leverage growing sectors and sub sectors of the world economy to provide tailor made investment programs for the benefit of our growing investment community. In simple terms, we do the heavy lifting.

Our model

We keep our community satisfied through a diversified spectrum of investment certified by the community. How? We leverage the blockchain system of decentralized autonomous organisation (DAO) to adequately transform investment from a centralised third-party system to a consensus investment scheme. At the end of every investment year, our community comes together to suggest and vote on a suitable investment venture. Our highly professional team selected by the community, then scrutinises selected ventures to derive a working investment formula which meets the financial capacity of each voting member in the community. Current Investment Ventures


We are proud of our community's collective decision to invest in crypto through our team of experts, collectively benefiting from the growth of the industry over the last three years. With viable assets in store and hedged with stable coins to minimize risks and exposure, we have made a profit of 18 million dollars shared equitably between investors according to their investment.

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With our excellent team of traders and automated trading mechanisms we provide risk-free investment in Forex trading. Our community and users earn 8.1% to 10.3% daily yields on minimum investment. Users can easily choose between assets by converting proceeds to crypto investment in just one click thereby getting the best of both worlds.

Agro Import & Export

To cater to offline investment enthusiasts, the community made the third in the group of investments, an investment in the rapidly growing Agro imports and exports industry. With our team of experts vast in developing leading investment programs in Agro trading, we have generated significant ROI for invested partners to the tune of 2.6 million dollars just in April 2020. As part of our plan to breed social and environmental consciousness, we donate 0.5% of our monthly proceeds to several conservative efforts such as planting of trees to fight deforestation, solar power installations in several developing cities and more.